You’re staring at the gorgeous ring on your finger, dreaming of the moment you’ll walk down the aisle in the most stunning dress on a gorgeous day at the perfect venue. But when is that day?! How do you choose the perfect wedding date for this milestone beginning? Never fear, I have 3 tips to help you choose a date to remember!


Choose a wedding date with sentimental value

Choose the day you first started dating, or perhaps the day he popped the question. When those dates fall on a Friday, Saturday or Sunday of the year you want to get married it’s a great option. If that’s not the case, here’s a few more suggestions for you; a significant birthday or anniversary of a loved one, a holiday you both love, or a string of numbers you happen to like.


Choose a wedding date that works for your dream venue

Saturday wedding dates book first at any venue you’ll visit, but if you’re willing to try a Friday, Sunday or even a Thursday wedding you may just find the perfect place to get married in the season you want. Plus most venues will offer a discounted rate for a non Saturday weddings, so you can use those savings to splurge on those wedding shoes you’ve had your eye on 😉


Choose a wedding date that will ensure the loved ones you want to attend can be there.

You may think my previous suggestion of a Thursday wedding is firmly out of the question, however if you’re inviting a lot of out of town guests you can find dates that coincide with holiday weekends and school vacations. You’ll give your guests the opportunity to make the most of a long weekend with a celebration they won’t forget.

At the end of the day the sky’s the limit when choosing your perfect wedding date. Envision what you want your big day to look like and start looking at venues. I’ll close with a bonus tip, when you are contacting venues tell them you are flexible on your wedding date. More often than not venues will have a wedding date available that will work for you, even if it’s not that Saturday in October you had your eye on.

If you’re interested in our availability here at Drumore Estate we would love to talk with you. Reach out to us here.

Happy Planning!

How to Choose the Perfect Wedding Date

photo credit: Ashley Errington Photography

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